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Temmuz, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Horror in Kurtz

      Heart of Darkness is a short novel written by Joseph Conrad in 1899 is one of the most powerful condemnations of imperialism in western literature. It helps us to see the consequences of imperialism through the concept of race and discrimination. Kurtz is one of the characters in the novel who is a bit controversial in his actions and personality. In this essay, I will argue the reasons for his cry in his death-bed.

Journey of King Lear

     When we became older we face decisions we do not want to make. With the fear of the end, we do wrongs to our loved ones or to our selves. The journey of King Lear leads us through humiliation, loneliness, and finally madness.

Tattoos...not so new

     I have got my first tattoo on my 18th birthday, it was The Little Prince. It was drawn for me by the tattoo artist and I still enjoy having it.      However, ever since I have got my first tattoo I have wondered about tattoo custom in ancient times and I have learned that for centuries people tattooed themselves and others for many different reasons. Here is an article that I have written two years ago for you to enjoy...