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Mayıs, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

A Review on Murat Gülsoy's Novel in the Context of Translation

  The pseudotranslation is a technique that many authors employ to break the chains from the restrictions of cultural or political censorship. When established norms and marginalization are rooted in a single culture or country, this technique is applied. When addressing issues such as racism or antisemitism, Shakespeare, for example, preferred to stage his plays in other nations so that he would not be accused of being a traitor, as anyone could have been with a little misfortune. Even when he writes about the history of his country, he constantly blames supernatural creatures.            The topic, as in our fiction, is about the country's long-awaited emancipation from bossism, which occurred nearly a century ago but has the potential to generate political debate. As a result, the author constructs a novel utilizing pseudotranslation as a frame plot, a technique known as transmesis. A translator writes a letter claiming to have discovered an ancient diary belonging to a report