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Mart, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Adaptation of The Little Prince (2015)

       Adaptation studies as an understudy of translation have been debated over the years by multiple critics for their purpose and their variety. In some cases, it is not possible to differentiate adaptation from translation for it does not have clear distinctions. Adaptations of books to films create different discussions like films bringing down the value of books, however, it can be argued that the books and films have many common features and with good adaptations either could be preserved in the collective culture in a way that could enrich both. This paper will argue why the movie The Little Prince by Mark Osborne (2015) is a good adaptation for fulfilling the intended outcome.      Mikhail Bakhtin’s suggestion about novels that they ‘’combine ‘epic’ literature with modern cultural references and language – thus creating something effectively ‘new’ and appealing to a ‘modern’ audience’’ (Bakhtin,361) could be applied to movies because in a different way they combine literary

Evaristo's Upside World

     In Bernardine Evaristo’s novel Blonde Roots the audience read about a parallel universe where The Africans are the colonizer and The Europeans are the colonized. Evaristo knows that reality is relative, and it can change. People can only create reality through their knowledge, thus Evaristo uses History to create her mirrored reality. She explores the notion of what people consider truth depends on how they look at it. This paper will argue how she created this version of reality and how she constructs a social criticism through the protagonist’s psychology.      Evaristo creates a universe where she implies the importance of naming. The ones who have the power to name will be the determiner of the rest of the history for creating the archetype. For example, Christopher Colombus named the new continent because he was the first one to ‘discover’. Although that continent existed for millions of years, the old world had the power to name the ‘New’ world. Evaristo names the island wh

T. S. Eliot as a Modernist Poet

       Modernist poets generally dealt with the Modern Anguish of the modern man; searching for meaning, and alienation from life and work. The poems of T. S. Eliot puzzle every reader of poetry and every critic. His poems get re-created by every reader that assigns new meanings and by every critic who decides to read his poems with a different approach. However, with a technic called close reading, the audience could read details in his poetry that makes him a well-known modernist poet.      Modernist poets like Ezra Pound and W.B. Yeats tried to use the metaphor of science for poetry thus making it an academic discipline. Eliot was one of the poets who produced new theories about poetry that helped to make poetry a disciplinary study. He argued that while innovating ‘New’ ways of poetry, contemporary poets should relate to the poetic tradition. He tried to advance poetry in the light of the past, thus New Criticism evolved. It argued that the structure and meaning of the text were